Nueva contribución de Lorenzo Delgado (IH) sobre la historia de la modernización de las fuerzas aéreas españolas

Friday, 30 November, 2018

9781912390601.jpg"‘Fly Me to the Cold War’: The United States and the Modernization of the Spanish Air Force in the 1950s" es el título del capítulo del que es coautor el investigador Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla junto a Pablo León-Aguinaga. Forma parte del libro "Air force advising and assitance. Developing airpower in client states", editado por Helion and Company en inglés.

Extracto del resumen publicado por el editor:

The increased focus on counterinsurgency warfare and US nation building efforts after the attacks of 11 September 2001 reignited interest in military advising within military and other government organizations, private think tanks, and defense related contractors. Most studies on the subject, based on the chronological scope and numerical preponderance of ground advising missions, has quite naturally focused on these past efforts. Less attention has been given to air or naval advisory missions. This work seeks in part to help redress this current imbalance by examining a number of historical case studies dealing with air advisory efforts. By examining a number of historical case studies, this volume analyzes the challenges and opportunities inherent in aerial advisory efforts and offers insights into the methods by which such missions succeed or fail. Air advisory missions date almost to the first days of powered flight.

Air force advising and assitance. Developing airpower in client states. Donald Stoker & Edward Westermann Eds. Editorial Helion and Company: 2018. ISBN 9781912390601

Nueva contribución de Lorenzo Delgado (IH) sobre la historia de la modernización de las fuerzas aéreas españolas
Dpto. de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea
El Estado Español Contemporáneo. Estructuras, Políticas, Representaciones