Workshop Cost Action TRACTS: "Tracing (Climate) Crisis, Visualizing Change. Imagining & Activating-Counter-Atlas of the Trace"

Thu, 06-10-2022; 00:00 hasta Fri, 07-10-2022; 00:00

Venue: Madrid (Spain) 6th october, Room Menéndez Pidal 0E18, CCHS-CSIC
7th october, MNCARS

Working Groups 1 and 3.

Coordinated by: Alberto Berzosa (IH-CSIC)

Workshop Cost Action TRACTS: "Tracing (Climate) Crisis, Visualizing Change. Imagining & Activating-Counter-Atlas of the Trace"
Programa537 KB
Dpto. de Historia del Arte y Patrimonio
Historia del Arte y Cultura Visual